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Massive Congratulations

Time to throw away those red plates and pop on the green ones..

Congratulations, are in order for our newest team member, Junior Sales Administrator at Arthurs Peugeot, Owen who has passed his DRIVING TEST - FIRST TIME.. We are proud to welcome him into Arthurs Motor group and also into the world of driving…

Owen, having had to wait a little longer to take his test due to the existing backlog of tests caused by the Pandemic, is absolutely ecstatic that he has passed first time.

Everyone at Arthurs Motor Group, would like to wish Owen, a massive congratulations on passing, HAPPY AND SAFE MOTORING...

are in order for our newest team member, Junior Sales Administrator at Arthurs Peugeot, Oliver who has passed his driving test first time.

We are proud to welcome him into Arthurs Motor group and also into the world of driving…