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Arthurs of Wrexham teamed up with their local Hospice Nightingale House to raise some funds for them during their recent Used Car Sale event. The Event was a great success and a grand total of £700 was raised.

To further boost the fundraising Arthurs decided that they would pledge another £100 towards the Hospice if Lewis Barton, Product Genius shaved his beloved beard off……

Lewis Said ‘ Although I love my beard dearly, the opportunity to raise money for such an amazing charity is well worth it! The work they do is unbelievable!’

So off the beard came and to top it off, the total raised for Nightingale House Hospice was £800 and Lewis now has a cold face ready for the winter!

Debbie Barton, Corporate Partnerships Manager from Nightingale House said, “Our Thanks goes to Arthurs Peugeot for their support of Nightingale House in this way and to those customers who bought their cars during the promotional weekend which made this total possible. Every penny counts and makes a real difference in helping local people and their families, affected by life-limiting illness, as well as children and young people experiencing bereavement. Our thanks also go to Lewis from the Arthurs Sales team who added another £100 by shaving off his beard, we very much look forward to working with Arthurs Peugeot in the future”.

Photos below are:

Debbie Barton together with staff members from Arthurs of Wrexham with cheque.

Lewis, Product Genius with Beard

Lewis, Product Genius without beard.