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After 19 years in her only job since leaving school, Alison Walker of Borras has made a major career change.

She has taken up a position at Arthurs Peugeot Wrexham as their customer relations management specialist looking after customer leads that come into the dealership.

On leaving school at 16 Alison joined a pharmaceutical wholesaler and worked for them as a customer service supervisor.  She passed her test in 2014 after the firm moved to Runcorn and commuted on a daily basis.

But she says she was ready for a new challenge when the position arose at Arthurs Peugeot.  "It is really refreshing learning something new," said Alison.

"The welcome I have received from everybody has been phenomenal. Everyone has been warm and friendly."

Her role includes liaising with the sales team to show customers a vehicle in which they are interested, or to value their current vehicle. In addition Alison, who is Wrexham born and bred, also handles service leads and generates reports on a weekly and monthly basis for the Arthurs Group

Said Joanne Aird who is Alison's CRM manager: "She is a breath of fresh air and has taken to the job like a fish to water - she just gets on with it."