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Parts & Accessories

Acquiring genuine Ford parts for your vehicle has never been easier, relieving you of the stress usually burdened with sourcing aftermarket parts that may not fit properly, to ensuring that your vehicle is at the capable hands of our trusted Ford Parts Plus dealers and subsequent Ford Service centres.

Ford Original Equipment Parts

Engineered to exacting specifications, Ford Original Equipment (OE) parts meet all European legislation relating to safety and environmental standards, whilst simultaneously ensuring great value for money and a first-time fit guaranteed when fitted by your local Ford dealer.

Ford OE parts are the only way you can be sure that what you receive will be a brand-new, thoroughly-tested, factory-manufactured replacement covered by our comprehensive pan-European Parts & Accessories Warranty, helping to protect the safety of you and your passengers’.

Ford Motorcraft® Parts

Ford Motorcraft® parts are remanufactured products that offer high quality, vehicle-specific applications for Ford vehicles at competitive prices, particularly for older model repairs. All parts must pass stringent quality checks by adhering to strict Ford specifications throughout the remanufacturing process, thereby maintaining the Original Equipment (OE) warranty.

Ford is proud of its green credentials; as such, we work hard to save valuable energy wherever we can during this regeneration process. In doing so, we not only actively take part in helping to preserve the environment globally, but carry these savings on to our customers.

Omnicraft Parts

Ford Omnicraft is a new comprehensive range of thousands of competitively priced, maintenance and light repair parts for non-Ford vehicles, backed by Ford and installed by our certified technicians.

Omnicraft represents the completion of the Ford family of parts, delivering a greater convenience for a majority of car owners and providing an all-round improved customer experience, allowing you to benefit from the UK’s most comprehensive dealer network, even if you don’t drive a Ford.

Contact Arthurs Ford Newtown

01686 625422