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Signage on the Croesfoel Roundabout.

Arthurs Peugeot are thrilled with the signage installed on the Croesfoel Roundabout

The new Arthurs Peugeot signs have been installed on the Croesfoel Roundabout, off the A483 at Rhostyllen creating an easier navigation for all of our customers to locate the dealership.

Based on the Croesfoel Industrial Estate, boasting a large selection of new and used vehicles, this has been a step in the right direction to build and flourish a long term partnership with the County Borough Wrexham Council, by showing support of the local community. Sponsorship funds go towards the maintenance and development of the roundabout, supporting the council’s focus on building a greener city.

Arthurs Peugeot would like to thank, Wrexham Borough Council for this opportunity.